Dedicated to those wishing to learn about the Catholic version of the Christian faith as realized in the study of the Catholic Catechism

The New Catholic Catechism,created under the direction of Cardinal Ratzinger, Later Pope Bennedict XVI

Disk 1 of 6 ) Under Rev (2021.04.15)

Proof in its essence is not a something, it is a somebody, his name is Jesus Christ.  When truth is called a lie, the lights, go out, darkness falls, and indeed, if your light is darkness how very deep the darkness will be.  All the words in this book can be compressed into one word, the Eternal Word, Jesus, the Christ.


#1. Catechism 142 & 213 (Audio)

Transcript of Lecture 1

Disk 1, Lecture 1, translate into docx with this will open in Microsoft Word

Disk 1, Lecture 1, translate into .txt with this will open as text only, no styling or formating

Disk 1, Lecture 1, translate into .html web raw form with This opens directly as a web page across the entire screen.

Disk 1, Lecture 1, translate into .pdf with This opens directly at a pdf. The question to resolve is will it open as a pdf if pdf software is not on computer. If not, then .html is the only way to go.

Disk 1, Lecture 1, translate into .html with Nuance, no editing done. This opens directly also as .html. No editing. You can judge the quality of the translation when comparing with any of the above.

Note: The above are transcriptions without any editing in order to study the best approach to take. Those marked are from an internet commercial service at 25cents per minute. It used to be 10 cents per minute and I used them exclusively. However, 25 cents per minute is better suited for lawyers who can pass the cost on to their clients and double the amount. The Temi accuracy is quite good. I estimate 95% with a speaker who clearly annunicates his words.

Nuance Dragon is an AI company recently purchased by Microsoft for billions of $. For a specific speaker, Dragon periodically "calibrates" its translations. If you use Dragon's word processor, more a text processor similar to Notepad, and correct the vocabulary for the sermons on a regular basis, then from my own experience in translating preaching by a Baptist preacher in a small Baptist church which I help, accuracy goes up to about 90%, so far. So, there is a learning curve. For quick and immediate results you really can't beat But, for us poor folk in the backwoods of Kentucky, who speak with a slow drawl, their costs add up and so justified the purchase of Nuance Dragon.

Let us hope with the Microsoft Innovation Dynamo now reving up Nuance Dragon, they will come up with a quality product that will justify the cost. There certainly is a market for such software.

#2. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 2

#3. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 3

#4. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 4

#5. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 5

#6. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 6

#7. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 7

#8. Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 8

#9 Catechism

Transcript of Lecture 9



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